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Verfügbarkeit: Lieferzeit 3-14 Tage
Hersteller: KARLEY • Artikelnr.: RF-RCS966 • Hersteller Nr.: RF-RCS966

Weiße Plastikkarte mit Transponder (Transponderkarte), Sony Felica Lite-S NFC 13,56MHz rfid Transponderkarte mit 224Byte Speicher RC-S966

  • SONY FeliCa Chipset
  • Chipkarte
  • kontaktlose Chipkarte
  • Speicher 244 Bytes: 16 Blöcke je 16Byte pro Block organisiert
  • 64bit UID (Seriennummer) (16xHex byte)
  • System Code 0x88B4
  • Thermotransfer bedruckbar
  • Manchester Kodierung
  • 212 kbps, Time Slot Anti-collision

Mehr Informationen zu diesem Chip sind auf der Sony Webseite zu finden:

FeliCa Lite-S has read-access control and write-access control functionality due to the use of MAC to prevent any unauthorized access. The function to generate a MAC on FeliCa Lite-S makes it possible to carry out streamlined mutual authentication between the product and the reader, supporting secure application development. FeliCa Lite-S supports Type 3 Tag operation, as defined by the NFC Forum. Therefore, the chip can communicate with standard NFC smartphones and readers. The user memory of 224 bytes is sufficient for most NFC-tag applications and usages.

A software development kit, SDK for NFC, is available

Software development kit SDK for NFC is available to develop applications for FeliCa Lite-S and Sony NFC readers. The technical documents of FeliCa Lite-S for application development are also downloadable from the website.

Technische Details
Geschwindigkeit (212 kbps / 424 kbps passive communication mode)
Frequenz 13.56 MHz / ASK modulation / Manchester encoding system
Speicher 14 blocks + 1 subtraction block (1 block = 16 byte)
Versandgewicht: 0.01 kg
Art Konform mit ISO/IEC 18092
Länge 85.00 mm
Breite 54.00 mm

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